Wandering Wonderings

Tag: Mexico

  • January 31, 2010 – Guitar Strings and Faith Healings

    It has been a challenging week. A few highlights. Sunday: go to church with Japet, one of my Mexican friends who works on the base. Four hours of singing, dancing, preaching, more singing, shouting, and general enthusiasm. Intense. Monday: Start our week of classes. Speaker is Randy Bixby, who runs a House of Prayer. For…

  • January 24, 2010 – Reading the Teabags

    It has been a good week. A very stretching week, but a good week. In the mornings, we had Linda Walker talk to us about our identity in Christ and listening to the voice of God. Now, I think that Linda Walker and I are about as different as two Christ-followers can be. Linda is…

  • January 18, 2010 – Adjustments

    Two weeks down. It has been a bit crazy. On one hand, there are definitely things about Mexico that I still can’t get used to. As you know, Michael time runs about 10 minutes behind the rest of the world. However, I have discovered  that Mexico time is about 20 minutes behind Michael time. It’s…

  • January 10, 2010 – Welcome to YWAM

    One week down so far. Hard to believe. In a lot of ways, it feels like the first week of college, in that so much has happened that, on one hand, it seems like it’s all gone by in a flash; on the other, it’s hard to even imagine life as it was a few…

  • January 1, 2010 – An Unexpected Journey Begins

    Well, it’s finally happening. Tomorrow at 6:40 Eastern Time, I’m headed to San Diego for five months with YWAM out of Tijuana. It’s strange how fast things change. It’s already been three months since leaving Seattle, a year and a half since graduating college and going to Mexico last time. This past three months has…