Wandering Wonderings

Category: Uncategorized

  • February 6, 2008 – Needing Grace

    Since we’ve had a reading break this past week (for all you non-Canadians, that’s French for “No School”), I took the opportunity to try and squeeze all the work I was supposed to get done in the first half of the week, then take a lightning trip down to Salem, then see friends in Seattle,…

  • January 29, 2012 – Regent and Menno

    Hello and greetings from Vancouver! After a few days of actual stereotypical Canadian weather, with snow and everything (!), we are back to the much more regular grey drizzle, so it seems a good day to hole up with a spot of tea and play catch-up in updates, since I didn’t actually get around to describing this…

  • January 21, 2012 – Canada, Eh?

    It’s been a while since I have sent out any updates; this is mostly because my life has not been terribly interesting since August. For those of you who I haven’t informed, since the beginning of September, I have been in Vancouver, BC, pursuing a master’s of divinity at Regent College, which is on the campus of…

  • August 10, 2011 – Back to YWAM

    So ends another adventure. Monday morning, I got in a bus with some of the others who were heading north, crossed the border, got dropped off at the San Diego airport, spent about three hours doing Hebrew (as I’d been sadly deprived for the previous week and was starting to go through withdrawal), got on…

  • July 24, 2011 – Pachuca

    Having actually been in Mexico for a week and a half now, I realize that in all of that last email, I never actually said anything about Mexico. So here’s to remedy that.  Last week on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, I caught a red-eye flight out of Portland to Mexico City by way of Minneapolis and…

  • July 25, 2011 – Return to the DF

    Sorry for the bombardment of messages, but if I don’t try to finish, I will be back stateside before I even get to Ensenada, so pressing on… On Sunday (a week and two days ago), I went to church with Adriana, her family,  and the new friends I’d made at the Vacation Bible school. After…

  • July 21, 2011 – Return to Mexico

    It has been a while. You are receiving this because, at some point about a year and a half ago, you had indicated that you were following my Mexican adventures while I completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission out of Ensenada, CA. This ended last May, and I believe that…

  • May 31, 2010 – Outreach

    I’m very sorry for the delayed communication. As you may or may not be aware, my Mexican adventures (or at least this chapter of them) have drawn to a close. After a week in Tamazunchale (the small town about seven hours north of Mexico City), we moved to the YWAM base in the city of…

  • March 29, 2010 – Changes and Challenges

    In keeping with the rest of my YWAM experience, this past week has been one of changes and challenges. The week was a relatively normal one, with class in the morning and outreach preparation/ministries in the afternoon. What was not normal about it was that we knew that, at least as of last Sunday, we…

  • March 2, 2010 – Tijuana Continues

    It has been a bit over a week in Tijuana, and on the whole, it’s been great. It’s really interesting to note how different the cultures are in the base at Tijuana as opposed to Ensenada. The Tijuana base is much more organized and much more ministry-focused, which is definitely a plus for me. Almost…