February 28, 2013 – Heading to Ghana
It is shocking that to me that it is already the last day in February. One of the few major differences I notice about being a few degrees north of Oregon is how fast the light changes; just a month or two ago, it was dark by around 4:30, and now we have light until…
January 3, 2013 – Looking Back and Looking Forward
Merry Christmas, happy new year, blessed Hanukkah, and congratulations on surviving the Mayan apocalypse. After a very eventful semester, and a very eventful Christmas vacation, I am once again in Vancouver beginning what I hope will be my last regular semester of classes at Regent. I must say, I am quite ready to be done…
August 31, 2012 – Summer’s End
It feels a bit surreal to be done with Hebrew, down to Oregon, down to California, back to Oregon, and back to Vancouver, all in the past few weeks. It has been a good, but not exactly relaxing, month, so here’s the basic outline of the past month: Thursday, August 9: last day of class.…
July 29, 2012 – Suicide Hebrew (2)
It seems scarcely believable how fast the summer has gone, with August nigh upon us. Time flies when you get into a routine. Pretty much every weekday looks fairly similar: 6:45—Alarm goes. Much groaning ensues. 6:51—I finally get out of bed. More groaning. 6:52-7:16—Teeth brushed/face shaved/clothes donned. (This should take about five minutes in total,…
July 5, 2012 – Suicide Hebrew
The beautiful, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing summer sun has once again decided to grace Vancouver; I had forgotten that blue sky could be so lovely. This has been, as I am informed by several sources, the coldest (and one of the wettest) Junes in Vancouver since they started keeping records. Dubbed “Junuary” by some of the…
June 3, 2012 – Summer in Van
It has been an eventful month and a half. Shortly after finishing finals for spring quarter, I flew down to Salem to see my family. The following day, I flew with my mom and dad to visit my sister and her husband in California and spend three days in Palm Springs. Afterwards, I had a…
April 17, 2012 – Regent Year 1 in Review
It is finished. Finals week was intense: I had regular classes Monday through Wednesday; a final class assignment also due Wednesday; two in-class essay exams on Thursday, for a total of three hours of frantic writing and a very cramped wrist; another two-hour exam on Friday; and two term papers, also due on Friday. As…
March 25, 2012 – Needing Grace
It’s been a fairly good week. Spring finally arrived: the flowers are out, the skies are blue, the water is clear, and our neighbors down the street were sighted sunbathing on their roof. On Tuesday, I went on a hike with one of my house-mate, and got to see some of the natural beauty to…
March 19, 2025 – Struggles
Thank the merciful heavens…it is once again that magical time called “Reading Break,” when students head for the mountains, go to the beach, engage in wild partying, and on rare occasions, read. So, as I make my exciting reading break plans (namely, sleeping and reading), it provides a good opportunity to pause, look back, and…
March 4, 2012 – Giving It Up
Sorry for my lack of communicativeness (which, apparently, is actually a word, at least according to Spell Check) over the past few weeks. The past few weeks have been, if not hellish, then at least purgatory-esque, and I am rapidly re-discovering why I didn’t actually want to go back to graduate school in the first…