Wandering Wonderings

March 15, 2010 – Niko

While this past few weeks has been intense, it has also been a week of breakthroughs. Thank you to everyone who supported me financially; I was informed last week that I have all the money that I need to go on outreach. Also, I finally got over my cough, and am feeling much better physically. Finally, God has been doing a lot of work on me spiritually over the past few weeks, teaching me what it really means to trust by placing me in a situation where I really had to trust. While it has definitely not always been pleasant, and I regret to say that my attitude has been far from what it should be, I am grateful for what God has started doing in me and excited to see what the continued growth will be.

This next week promises to be interesting. We are going to be participating in a program called Niko (from the Greek word for “overcome” or “victory.”) While exact details are not given to us as part of the program, we are going to be spending the next four days out in the wilderness somehow taking only what we can carry, learning to work as a team in difficult situations, and being pushed past the limits of what we are comfortable with. It should be an exciting opportunity. At the same time, please be praying for decent weather. While I am all for being pushed out of my comfort zone, I would prefer not to spend the next four days soaking wet.

Things are coming together for India. While I have not heard any specifics, I know that things have been falling into place for outreach. One girl on our team who didn’t have any money to pay for outreach received a check covering the full amount in the mail last week. At the same time, the fact that things are falling into place does not mean that everything has fallen into place, and many details remain to be seen. We still have to get our visas. Two students are missing passports. Several students still do not have their outreach paid for.

Honestly, I’m excited to see what this next few weeks and months brings. My whole experience with YWAM has been a process of deconstructed expectations. Now that my expectations have been (largely) deconstructed, I’m able to see with greater clarity what it is that God is going to do.